

  Size: 120,563 kilometers!


Distance from Sun: 9.592


Composition (what is it made of) Saturn is made out of gas(gas giant) and its rings are made out of mostly ice and rocky debris and dust.


Moons: Saturn has 62 moons!


Named after: Saturn was named after the roman god of agriculture and harvest. Also namesake of Saturday.


Revolution Period: 10,759 days or 29 in a half years!


Rotation Period:  10 hours and 45 minutes


Atmosphere: Saturn atmosphere has cloud bands but there pale orange and faded. Its upper atmosphere there are quantities of nitrogen and oxygen.

Weather:  Saturn’s weather is very windy and freezing below zero!

Temperature (day and night): Saturn's temperature during the day is about -270 and during the night about -220


Gravity: Saturn's gravity is 1.1 times that on earth.


Other Interesting Facts(*features - does it have volcanoes, craters, rings, valleys, etc.?) :  - Saturn has 7 flat thin rings around it. Saturn is also the second largest planet,Saturn is also the sixth planet away from the sun. Saturn has 60 satellites!